
How to build a WakaTime plugin by WakaTime

Guide to creating your own WakaTime plugin. Let us know if you’re building a WakaTime plugin. We can setup a GitHub repo in the WakaTime GitHub org for you and help with building your plugin. Reach out over email!

Alternate GitHub Commit Tracking by Russell Osborne

This implementation varies from WakaTime's commit feature as it compares time spent on each file, vs comparing the time between commits. It tends to be significantly more accurate for those who do per line commits.

Autodesk Revit plugin by CodeCavePro

Track your time spent in Autodesk Revit.

Camunda Modeler plugin by Niklas Kiefer

Camunda Modeler is an integrated modeling solution for BPMN, DMN and CMMN based on This is an unofficial WakaTime plugin for Camunda Modeler.

Contributions Graph Generator by yihong0618

Generate the green GitHub Contributions Graph from your WakaTime daily stats.

Freshbooks Integration by @GoGoCarl

A Java-based command line utility to create FreshBooks time entries from WakaTime coding activity.

GitHub Profile README Pinned Gist Sync by anmol098

Update a pinned gist to display your weekly WakaTime stats each day, and the time of day you're most productive.

GitHub Profile README Pinned Gist Sync by matchai

Update a pinned gist to display your weekly WakaTime stats each day.

GitHub Profile README Pinned Gist Sync by athul

Update a pinned gist to display your weekly WakaTime stats each day.

GitHub Profile README Pinned Gist Sync by superman66

Update WakaTime summary data to your pinned gist every day.

GitHub Profile README Pinned Gist Sync by @casperiv0

Update WakaTime language stats to your pinned gist every 15 minutes.

GitWakaTime by Russell Osborne

Shows time spent coding on git commits. This implementation varies from WakaTime’s because it compares time spent on each file, vs comparing the time between commits. It tends to be significantly more accurate for those who do per line commits. Read more about it here.

Glance by Allan Zhou

A Chrome Extension. Quickly displays a summary of your WakaTime dashboard within Chrome when clicking the extension's icon.

Go API Client Library by Evgeniy Vasilev

Go library for consuming the WakaTime API.

Godot game engine by Thomaz Soares

Godot game engine plugin for metrics, insights, and time tracking automatically generated from your Godot usage.

hakatime by mujx

An unofficial self-hosted server and dashboard implementation, written in Haskell.

Hangouts plugin by Aleksandar Vidakovic

WakaTime for Hangouts tracks your time spent on Hangout video calls. (Beta)

JavaScript API Client Library by Jillberth Estillore

JavaScript client for consuming the WakaTime API.

Jira Integration by Sergey Viskov

Php tool for WakaTime Jira integration.

KDevelop plugin by Stefan Yohansson

Track your time spent in KDevelop.

Mac BitBar Plugin by Amir C

An OS X menu bar app that shows today's coding time from WakaTime.

MacOS MenuBar by Nishanth Vijayan

An OS X menu bar app that shows today's coding time from WakaTime.

PHP API Client Library by Mario Basic

This is a PHP package for the WakaTime API. If you use Laravel, you can use this package to interact with the WakaTime API.

Prometheus exporter by Jacob Colvin

A Prometheus exporter for WakaTime statistics. It intends to extend the existing WakaTime ecosystem via allowing users to make use of Prometheus (and therefore any consumers of its API) as companion services alongside the traditional WakaTime web application. This could be anything from including some of your coding statistics in Grafana, to forecasting your coding time with prophet.

PocketWaka by Vladimir Kondenko

An Android WakaTime Client using Material Design. PocketWaka shows your top projects, languages, operating systems, and IDEs. Available on the Google Play Store.

Replit plugin by @not-ethan

Track your time spent in the Replit web IDE.

RStudio plugin by Shinya Uryu

Plugin for RStudio to track your stats with WakaTime.

Skype plugin by Aleksandar Vidakovic

WakaTime for Skype tracks your time spend on Skype calls. (Beta)

Terminal Client by Josh Lankford

Shows your WakaTime reports within a command line Terminal.

Thunderbird plugin by Aleksandar Vidakovic

WakaTime for Thunderbird tracks your time spent in Thunderbird mail. (Beta)

Tick by João Pedro Evangelista

An Android WakaTime Client. See your projects, activity, editors, operating systems, and leaderboard on the go. Available on the Google Play Store.

Timeless by Gianluca Altomani

An Android WakaTime Client. Timeless lets you analyze your coding activity tracked by WakaTime. It shows statistics between different time ranges, your projects and their specific statistics, your commits for each project, and the public leaderboard. Available on the Google Play Store.

Toggl Integration by Boris K

Sync your WakaTime data in Toggl. Works with paid and free accounts.

trackactivewindow-wakatime by Carlos Henrique Guardão Gandarez

Windows desktop program to quantify the time you spend in each application window.

Unreal Engine plugin by @TheAshenWolf

Track time spent in Unreal Engine.

Visual FoxPro IDE plugin by Khaos66

Track your time spent in Visual FoxPro IDE.

WakaLet by Jonathan Winger Lang

System tray icon for instant access to your WakaTime projects in OS X. Build the project in Xcode, then move the into your Applications folder to install.

WakaMenu for Mac by Hiroshi Horie

An OS X menu bar app that shows today's coding time from WakaTime.

WakaPebble by Keith Solomon

Pebble Smartwatch interface for WakaTime.

wakapi by muety

A minimalist, self-hosted WakaTime-compatible back end for coding statistics.

wakatime-mobile by David Frahm

Mobile app for viewing your WakaTime stats, built using the Ionic SDK to be cross-platform for iOS and Android.

WakaTimeChrome by Christine Boersen

A Chrome Extension. Log and categorize time spent in Google Chrome on your WakaTime dashboard.

Windows Droptop App by 66Bunz

A Windows menu bar app that displays WakaTime stats in your Droptop bar.

Anki WakaTime by ProfessionalGriefer

An Anki plugin for tracking your time with WakaTime.

Figma Chrome Extension by SkyfallWasTaken

A chrome extension that tracks time in Figma.

Very likely, we have missed some people and contributions. Please help us recognize and thank you by emailing us.