The Currently Focused File's Expert

We’re proud to announce a new feature for our IDE plugins that answers a common dev question:

Who’s the expert on this code?

From now on, the name of the team member who has spent the most time coding in the currently focused file will be displayed in your IDE’s status bar.


Onboarding new hires has just gotten easier. When a new dev is stuck on some code, they will know exactly who to turn to for questions, saving valuable time and resources. This feature will also help in fostering a collaborative environment, where team members can learn from one another.

We understand that your devs’ time is valuable, and we want to make their experience as smooth and efficient as possible. This new feature is just one of many ways we are working to improve the developer experience and make coding that much easier.

This feature was built as a direct result of feedback from one of our users, Paul Preibisch. Thank you Paul!

We hope you enjoy it, however if you prefer to disable the file experts in your status bar just add status_bar_team = false to your ~/.wakatime.cfg file.

Happy coding!

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