Case Study: Enhancing Developer Productivity

Meet Theresia, a lead developer at Eurisko. Eurisko is a large software development company with multiple departments, including game development, web development, and mobile apps. Theresia is a scrum…

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GitHub Permissions Update

We’ve improved the security of our GitHub integration by migrating to GitHub Apps, for fine-grained permissions and read-only repo access. Why GitHub Apps?. Ever since the GitHub released GitHub Apps,…

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Tracking Compile Times with Eclipse

The Eclipse plugin now tracks how long your builds take to compile. Shortest WakaTime blog post ever. Happy codin…, I mean happy compiling!…

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Xcode Supported Again

Ever since Apple disabled plugins in Xcode, we’ve been looking for a way to still show your code stats for Xcode without a plugin. Now, we’re happy to announce a native Mac app that adds back support …

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GitHub adds WakaTime as Secret Scanning Partner

We’re proud to announce GitHub has partnered with WakaTime to scan for leaked api keys and other secret WakaTime tokens. WakaTime tokens allow users to programmatically access their WakaTime code stat…

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The Currently Focused File's Expert

We’re proud to announce a new feature for our IDE plugins that answers a common dev question: Who’s the expert on this code? From now on, the name of the team member who has spent the most time coding…

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ChatGPT Prototyped Our New Feature

Intro. I’m naturally a skeptic about OpenAI and ChatGPT, probably because I still think of AI as simple supervised machine learning with markov models. That’s why it’s taken me a few months to try out…

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Code Insights

Do you know which day of the week you code the most? How about how many hours you code per day on average? How does your coding activity look over the last year? These are the types of questions we’re…

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Custom Project Colors

Here at WakaTime we’re always looking for ways to improve the developer dashboards and UX. That’s why we’ve added the ability to set custom colors for your projects. Now, if you select green for Proje…

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Segment Your Code Time

Today we bring you a new dashboard feature: Segmenting your code stats. See the time of day you were coding, compiling, or in meetings. Click the settings icon to choose how to segment your code stats…

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