Case Study: Enhancing Developer Productivity

Eurisko office

Meet Theresia, a lead developer at Eurisko.

Theresia Al-Tabib

Eurisko is a large software development company with multiple departments, including game development, web development, and mobile apps. Theresia is a scrum master at Eurisko, so she has a broad overview of the company’s workflows. WakaTime has been a crucial tool for tracking and optimizing developers’ time at Eurisko, helping them improve productivity and manage their dev teams.

Why Eurisko Uses WakaTime

Eurisko initially adopted WakaTime to gain a comprehensive overview of how developers were spending their time across various projects. Their CTO introduced the use of WakaTime to reduce distractions, gain a better overview of work habits, and ultimately improve productivity.

Main Benefits of Using WakaTime

1. Comprehensive Time Tracking

WakaTime provides a detailed breakdown of how time is spent on each task and project. This insight helps developers like Theresia understand their work habits and identify areas for improvement. By seeing exactly where their time goes, developers can optimize their workflows and allocate efforts where they are most needed.

2. Visual Representations of Coding Habits

One of the standout features for Theresia is the visual representation of coding habits. These visual insights have been eye-opening, helping her identify patterns in her work. She can see which tasks are time-consuming and find ways to complete them more efficiently.

3. Daily Self-Assessment

Theresia uses WakaTime as a daily self-assessment tool. At the end of each day, she reviews her progress to understand how much time each task has consumed. This ritual not only helps her track her work but also provides a clearer understanding of her daily productivity.

4. Team Management

As a scrum master, Theresia oversees her team’s workflow using WakaTime. By tracking how time is allocated across various tasks and projects, she can support her team in optimizing their workflows and maintaining a balance between productivity and well-being.

5. Budget and Estimation Improvements

WakaTime indirectly helps with budget management by reducing distractions and improving time management. It also aids in making more accurate estimations for new projects based on past data, though Eurisko is still exploring this potential fully.

6. New Features and Integrations

Eurisko has started exploring new features like goal setting and integration with tools like Google Calendar and Microsoft Teams. These features allow for even more comprehensive tracking, including meeting times versus coding times, helping teams argue against excessive meetings and ensure a balanced workflow.


By implementing WakaTime, Theresia and her team track their work more accurately and gain valuable insights into their productivity, leading to better time management and a more balanced work-life dynamic. If you’re looking to take your productivity to the next level, book a live demo or send us an email.

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