Flask Part 3: API Decorators and Helpers

This is the third of three posts about building a JSON API with Flask. Make sure you start with part 1 and part 2. In the first post, we used a custom base SQLAlchemy class to serialize and deserializ…

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Flask Part 2: Building a RESTful API

This is the second of three posts about building a JSON API with Flask. Part 1 arrived yesterday and part 3 is arriving tomorrow. In the previous post we learned how to serialize SQLAlchemy models to/…

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Flask Part 1: SQLAlchemy Models to JSON

This is the first of three posts about building JSON APIs with Flask. Part 2 and part 3 arrive tomorrow and the day after. I've seen a lot of questions on StackOverflow about how to turn SQLAlchemy mo…

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Keeping Your Pip Requirements Fresh

Update 2020: The new way to manage your Python dependencies is Pipenv. It’s like Yarn for Python with updating, locking, and combined with pyenv even manages your project’s Python version. For an exam…

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Pirates use Flask, the Navy uses Django

Update: Tony Narlock created an amazingly comprehensive comparison of Django vs Flask. If you're testing out a new idea or getting a product going, you have to choose a web stack to build it on. For P…

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