WakaTime for Delphi Delphi

The open source plugin for productivity metrics, goals, leaderboards, and automatic time tracking.


  1. Download wakatime-cli for Windows here: wakatime-cli.

  2. Create a directory named .wakatime on your current user profile directory ~\.wakatime.

  3. Extract the zip into the .wakatime directory and rename the file to wakatime-cli.exe.

  4. Download the plugin source code: delphi-wakatime-main.zip.

  5. Open the project related to your IDE version:

    • WakaTimePlugin10_2.dproj - For Delphi 10.2
    • WakaTimePluginXE2.dproj - For Delphi XE2
    • WakaTimePluginD7.dpr - For Delphi 7

    Note: If your IDE isn’t listed here, don’t be afraid. Just follow these instructions then come back here to continue.

  6. Build and Install.

  7. Close the project.

  8. Go to the Tools menu and access the new WakaTime Settings menu.

  9. Enter your API Key, then press OK.

  10. Use Delphi and your coding activity will be displayed on your WakaTime Dashboard.

WakaTime plugins collect file path and project names from your IDE. Learn more about data collected and privacy.