This is the first of three posts about building JSON APIs with Flask. Part 2 and part 3 arrive tomorrow and the day after. I've seen a lot of questions on StackOverflow about how to turn SQLAlchemy mo…
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TLDR: Apple will disable all your Alcatraz plugins in Xcode 8. Read this GitHub issue for more info and give Apple feedback to let them know we need a fully functioning replacement before disabling th…
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SSL is CPU Intensive. If you haven't already enabled SSL session caching, do that NOW. But what if you have many unique requests and your load balancer is maxing out it's CPU? That was the case with W…
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Update 2020: The new way to manage your Python dependencies is Pipenv. It’s like Yarn for Python with updating, locking, and combined with pyenv even manages your project’s Python version. For an exam…
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WakaTime is like fitbit for programmers, and we are always looking for new ways to visualize our data. Our dashboard is great for seeing project, file, and branch level visualizations over various tim…
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Update: Tony Narlock created an amazingly comprehensive comparison of Django vs Flask. If you're testing out a new idea or getting a product going, you have to choose a web stack to build it on. For P…
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Want to add a feature or automate something in your NetBeans IDE? Follow along as we write your first plugin for NetBeans. Let's go beyond the simple Toolbar Example and create a plugin which can auto…
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The other day I was reading this blog post about productivity for programmers written by a former id software employee named Hook. While working at id software, Hook interacted with the legendary John…
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Every week, residents of the Hacker House gather around a backyard fire-pit while chatting about startups. It was a mind meld of professional programmers, designers, and entrepreneurs. On May 3rd 2013…
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