The latest version of WakaTime allows more control over what gets logged. You can now whitelist directories so only certain directories get logged with WakaTime. All you need to do is paste this in yo…
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Today we have released profile pages for every user on WakaTime. You can now personalize your URL and most interestingly, make your logged time & top programming languages public. We'll be hosting a l…
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Today we would like to share the new WakaTime leader board where you can see the top 1,000 coders using WakaTime. Check it out at…
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The WakaTime plugin for Atom, GitHub's open-source text editor, was released today. To install the plugin in Atom, navigate to Preferences... → Packages and search for WakaTime.…
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Do you use Komodo Edit, the cross-platform multi-language editor based off the Mozilla framework? How about the fully-featured Komodo IDE? Now you can get analytics about your programming just by inst…
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How do you increase your productivity each day? John Carmack uses a CD player to measure his daily productivity by counting the number of tracks he listens to. WakaTime makes it even easier by automat…
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This week is EclipseCon 2014 in San Francisco, where OOP enthusiests gather to talk Java. It seems fitting to release the Eclipse plugin for WakaTime this week. For the freelancers at the conference, …
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For all you iOS and OSX devs, we have some exciting news for you: WakaTime for Xcode is ready! All WakaTime plugins work together. For example, you can switch between Vim, Sublime Text, and now Xcode …
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