Building a Background Task Queue in Python

Why not just use Celery/RQ/Huey/TaskTiger?. Unfortunately, WakaTime has been using Celery for almost 10 years now. During that time I’ve experienced many critical bugs, some still open years after bei…

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Code Insights

Do you know which day of the week you code the most? How about how many hours you code per day on average? How does your coding activity look over the last year? These are the types of questions we’re…

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Custom Project Colors

Here at WakaTime we’re always looking for ways to improve the developer dashboards and UX. That’s why we’ve added the ability to set custom colors for your projects. Now, if you select green for Proje…

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The End of Atom

Today GitHub announced it will archive Atom and all projects under the Atom organization for an official sunset on December 15, 2022. Why?. Development on Atom has been slowing for a while now. We see…

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Segment Your Code Time

Today we bring you a new dashboard feature: Segmenting your code stats. See the time of day you were coding, compiling, or in meetings. Click the settings icon to choose how to segment your code stats…

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WakaTime 2021 Programming Stats

Happy New Year! Here's your WakaTime code stats for 2021. In 2021, more than 300k developers spent a combined 39 million hours programming, tracked with WakaTime text editor plugins. The average perso…

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Product updates and new features 2021

🚀 We reached 300k users! - Also, here’s some new WakaTime features. 📊 Edit your time on the dashboard - Click on durations to edit the project, language, category, and branch. 🔰 Public profile badge -…

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Announcing a New Integration: Histre

Histre is a collaborative bookmarking tool for researching, annotating, and enhancing websites. When you enable the Histre integration, the time you spend browsing websites is synced to your WakaTime …

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Go Desperately Needs Nil Safe Types

If you’ve worked with Go before, you’ve probably seen this runtime error. panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference The current solution is checking thevar != nil before …

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Maximize your concurrent web server connections

For production web servers, most people assume scaling means needing faster (and more expensive) hardware. Before spending more money on servers, first make sure your web server process is using the m…

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